Living beings endowed with sensitivity
On 28 January 2015, a new law was adopted by the French National Assembly in which the status of animals was changed from “moveable property” to that of “beings with sensitivity” which represents major progress for the animal cause!
This is all thanks to our 30 Million Friends who already launched a petition two years ago to try and have this law adopted – amounting to two years of force to try and get the Civil Code modified in favour of animals!
The reaction of Reha Hutin, President of the 30 Million Friends Foundation bears witness to this:
“Finally! Animals are recognised as living, sensitive beings in the Civil Code. This historic watershed places France in the lead for the most advanced nations in terms of civil law, as it defines animals in a positive light, for what they are, and not just implied, as is the case in Germany, Switzerland and Austria in particular who just consider them not as things. France can be proud of this reform in terms of progress and humanism, gained after decades of fighting for it, and after almost a year of debates in Parliament”.
With the Civil Code now at the same status level as the Rural and Penal Code, it will allow for better application of the law, and therefore better protection of the well-being of animals